Monday, June 25, 2012

Extradisi Warga Iran: Adakah Wajar?

Malaysia to extradite Iranian accused of plotting to attack Israeli targets abroad
Dari Akhbar Israel - haaretz

Iranian man accused of plotting to bomb Israeli targets in Bangkok in February denies any involvement in terrorist organizations; court rules to extradite the man to Thailand.
By The Associated Press  Jun.25, 2012 | 11:50 AM
Injured man lies on the ground after a bomb he was carrying exploded, in Bangkok February 14, 2012
An injured man lies on the ground after a bomb he was carrying exploded, in Bangkok February 14, 2012.

A Malaysian court ruled Monday that an Iranian man accused of plotting to attack Israeli targets in Bangkok must be extradited to Thailand. Masoud Sedaghatzadeh said he planned to appeal the decision. He is not expected to be immediately deported.

Sedaghatzadeh was arrested at a Malaysian airport soon after an apparently accidental explosion rocked a Bangkok neighborhood on Feb. 14. Bombs were found at the house, where the explosion occurred, and Thai police say Sedaghatzadeh, and two other Iranian men now in Thai custody, had been seen leaving the house. Thai officials have said Israeli diplomats may have been the targets of the alleged plot.

A Kuala Lumpur district court on Monday ruled in favor of the Malaysian government's bid to deport Sedaghatzadeh to the Thai capital. Sedaghatzadeh has 15 days to file an appeal, said his lawyer, Nashir Hussin.

Malaysian prosecutors have said the Iranian was wanted by Thailand on suspicion of "taking part in making and possessing an explosive device" as well as causing an explosion that led to human injuries and property damage. He faces life in prison if convicted in Thailand.

Israel has blamed Iran for the explosions, which wounded five including one of the alleged bombers, as well as two incidents the day before: a bombing in India that wounded an Israeli diplomat's wife and driver, and an attempted bombing in the former Soviet republic of Georgia. Iran has denied involvement.

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