Thursday, December 20, 2012

Putin Di Ambang Maut?

Putin's cancer seems sharply deteriorated

Publication time: 18 December 2012, 16:55

On the night of December 18, Putin's illness seems again and very sharply escalated. It is to be recalled that, by unconfirmed rumors, he has sarcoma on his back. a incurable spinal cancer.

At the last moment, Moscow's visit by Putin's Ukrainian satrap, was cancelled on Tuesday.

"Yanukovych has postponed his visit to Russia to meet Putin", according to the press service of Yanukovych on Tuesday, December 18. That was the date when the satrap had to be in Moscow for talks with Putin.

Back on late afternoon, December 17, Kremlin still announced that the meeting between Putin and Yanukovych on December 18 had to be focused on it on "the prospects of bilateral trade and economic cooperation".

Yanukovych's visit has been prepared since the beginning of fall 2012 but it was postponed many times because of Putin's cancer. The duration of the visit was reduced from two days to a few hours, and the status first dropped from a "state visit" to an "official visit" and finally to a "working visit", the media reported and sparingly explained that in any case it was a Yanukovych's initiative:

"The parties have agreed to postpone the visit".

Earlier, "the parties have agreed to postpone a Moscow's visit" by Prime Minister of Japan, but he revealed in a private talk with a Japanese provincial mayor that Moscow had asked him not to come due to Putin's illness. The mayor disclosed the news to major Japan's news agencies, After that, Putin's speaker Peskov reprimanded the Japanese Prime Minister, saying that "decent people do not behave like that".

Putin's gang does not know when their leader feels better, if sarcoma could make feel better for some time at all, so the Russian media write in headlines that "Yanukovych's visit to Russia was postponed indefinitely".

Department of Monitoring

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