Saturday, August 17, 2013

Penyembelihan Oleh Tentera Pembunuh Di Bandar-Bandar Seluruh Mesir Hari Ini

New massacre of Muslims by mutinous army thugs in Cairo
Publication time: Today at 18:01 Emirate time 
Scores of Muslims martyred killed across Egypt as the mutinous secularist army continued their massacres in Cairo and other provinces on Friday.

In the Mediterranean town of Damietta eight Muslims martyred from junta's security forces.

In the capital Cairo, gunfire was heard at the sites of at least two demonstrations. Smoke was seen rising from Cairo's Ramses Square, where thousands gathered after Friday prayers. Four have already martyred from the hands of the junta thugs.

In the Suez Canal city of Ismailia mutinous security sources martyred five protesters loyal to the legal president Mohammad Mursi.

Anti-junta marches were also reported in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria, in Beni Sueif and Fayoum, south of Cairo, and in the Red Sea resort town of Hurghada.

"Down with military rule," demonstrators chanted as they waved photos of Mursi and Egyptian flags - sumber

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