Saturday, February 22, 2014

Balingan Batu Ke Atas Kepala Zukifli Nordin!

'Dengan ramai lagi manusia bodoh seperti Zulkifli yang cuba mencetuskan ketegangan kaum dan agama di dalam negara, saya berharap lebih banyak Gereja dan juga Kuil-Kuil Budha dan Hindu akan membuka ruang kepada Pemimpin Pembangkang untuk menyuarakan kepada jemaah. Apatah lagi Anwar Ibrahim adalah secara rasminya Ketua Pembangkang di Parlimen sedangkan manusia seperti Zulkifli hayalah pengacau pada pandangan Rakyat Malaysia'

In response to Zulkifli Noordin
February 21, 2014
FMT LETTER: From Stephen Ng, via e-mail
Who the Holy Family Church (HFC) wishes to invite to speak after its mass on Sunday is entirely its prerogative, and Perkasa’s vice-president, Zulkifli Noordin should just mind his own business.
If tomorrow, the HFC decided to invite the prime minister’s wife, Rosmah Mansor to be the guest speaker, it is also none of his business. The decision depends on who the congregation thinks has something worth listening to.
They would certainly not choose to invite religious extremists like him who propagate hatred, or homegrown jesters like Perkasa’s president, Ibrahim Ali.
Attempts to link Anwar Ibrahim’s afternoon talk last Sunday to the rumour that Christians are collaborating with Anwar to turn Malaysia into a Christian nation is nothing but another form of dirty politics.
The arguments do not hold water, as Christ Himself had even spelt it out clearly, saying: “My kingdom is not of this world.” In short, while Christians are concerned about transparency and governance in the way the government machinery is run, they are not interested in any form of declaration to make Malaysia a ‘Christian’ nation. The Church has existed from the medieval age, where the church and the nation was one.
With more idiots like Zulkifli trying to create race and religious tension in the country, I wish that more churches, as well as Buddhist and Hindu temples would open up for the Opposition leader to speak to their congregations. After all, Anwar Ibrahim is officially the Mr Opposition in Parliament, while people like Zulkifli are merely troublemakers in the eyes of Malaysians.
It is time Malaysians who believe in tolerance and peaceful co-existence stand up to put to silence the likes of Zulkifli Noordin. Previously, despite making a mockery of Hindu deities, he was let off without being punished.
I should remind Zulkifli that, as an individual, he is rejected even by the Muslims in the constituency where he contested. During the last general election, despite him and Ibrahim Ali getting their support from Perkasa’s patron, Dr Mahathir Mohamad, they lost to PAS candidates!
Shame should be written all over his face by now for being rejected by the Muslim voters; instead, he continues to create more controversies and promote his agenda of hate.
It is sad that despite his defeat, Zulkifli has not learnt his lesson; but like Mahathir, he continues to speak words of arrogance. It is clear indication that this deviant Muslim man, with his own agenda of hate, is out to make every attempt to stir up animosity between people of different races and religions.
In the words of PAS representative for Batu, Tuan Haji Ishak Surin during a press conference at Batu MP, Tian Chua’s office in the lead-up to the 2013 General Election, Zulkifli is ‘one person who should not even exist in this country.’
The PAS leader also said that Zulkifli should not even be a Malaysian citizen. Watch this video clip: Zul Nodin tidak diterima oleh masyarakat umum Malaysia
By promoting hatred, the livid and insolent man is a disgrace both to his own race and religion. Between this man and PAS spiritual leader, Tok Guru Nik Aziz, I would rather choose to give the Tok Guru my respect as a fellow Malaysian.

1 comment:

  1. 18:104. Yaitu orang-orang yang telah sia-sia perbuatannya dalam kehidupan dunia ini, sedangkan mereka menyangka bahwa mereka berbuat sebaik-baiknya.

    hindari agar tidak terjebak bersama perbuatan yang sia sia belaka


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