Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dari Special Correspondent ARNAUD DUBUS

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Satu hapah aku tak faham tapi ada perkataan Altantuya dengan Premier minister de la Malaisie...tolong translate!! Hehe...

World 05/03/2009 with 06:52

A corpse very disturbing
large angleLe murder of a Mongolian interpreter, in the middle of a thriller interfering sales weapons, jet set and capacity, could compromise the future strong man of the country.

5 reactions
KUALA LUMPUR and ULAN-BATOR, special correspondent ARNAUD DUBUS

It is the account of a murder, such as one reads it in a confidential relationship of the Malaysian police force. That of Altantuya, a young Asian interpreter, taken in a dark business of sales of weapons between France and Malaysia. A murder in which could be implied the man promised to become, at the end of March, Prime Minister of Malaysia.

“QuandlaChinoiseavuquejeprenaisunearmeàfeu, ellem' asuppliédel' épargnerendisantqu' elleétaitenceinte”, tells Sirul Omar, police officer of Special Branch Malaysian, with another police officer of a police station of Kuala Lumpur, the capital of the country. “Azilah [the superior of Sirul] caught the Chinese one and projected it with ground. I have tiréenvisantsatempegauche immediately. Then, black Azilahl' adéshabilléeetamisses clothes dansunsacenplastic. Azilahavuquesamainbougeaitencore.Ilm' aordonnédetirerunesecondefois, cequej' aifait”, reads one in this document of five pages, remained secret until now - and that Libération could get. “Aentouré Onaensuitetransportélecorpsdanslajungle.Azilahl' of explosifsetnousl' avonsfaitsauter”, continues Sirul, which always believed that Altantuya Shaaribuu, killed in October 2006, was Chinese. It was actually Mongolian.

Disappearance of witnesses

Of a great beauty, this 28 year old young woman cleared in the Asian jet set. A kind of Subdued Hari of the Far East, which had passed its childhood to Saint-Pétersbourg (Russia), then studied at the Institute of economic management of Beijing. In addition to English, she usually spoke Russian, Chinese and Korean. The revelation, by Release, of this police report is the last bounce of rocambolesque a thriller where côtoient themselves commercial of French guns, chamanes Mongolian and politicking Malaysian.

Not only the business is explosive for the Malaysian government - the Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak is suspected of having financed the assassination -, but it could also put cantilever French company DCNS, specialized in military naval construction. In 2007, DCNS indeed absorbed Armaris, the Franco-Spanish company which, in June 2002, sold in Malaysia two submarines Scorpène and a submarine of Agosta occasion. Amount: a billion euros, of which some “commissions”. The murder of the Mongolian young person is a consequence of the payment of an envelope of 114 million euros by Armaris to the Malaysian part. It is this payment, recognized officially by the Malaysian government before the Parliament of Kuala Lumpur, which engaged a cascade of events, of which the disappearance of the principal witnesses of the business and the assassination of Altantuya.

For the young woman, the fatal gears begins in 2004, when it meets, in Hongkong, Abdul Razak Baginda, an military expert who directs Malaysian Strategic Research Centre. They tie a love affair quickly and Altantuya - that his/her friends call Tuya - assists, translating for example Russian documents.

Altantuya is young person and beautiful; the rich person and tempting Baginda are a personality for the Malaysian jet set, in particular because of his proximity with the Deputy Prime Minister and Malaysian Minister for Defense, Najib Razak, of which he is the adviser for the businesses of safety. Baginda appears in the most closed circles of Kuala Lumpur, sometimes in company of his legitimate wife.

In March 2005, Altantuya and Baginda leave for a European round: France, Germany, Italy, Portugal crossed in red Ferrari of Malaysian, with halts in the smartest hotels. This tour is not only tourist: the agreement for the purchase of the submarines was signed in 2002, but of the important details remain to discuss. “It is known that Baginda was used by the Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak like intermediary for certain contracts of armaments, particularly those high level”, explains a regional expert as regards safety.

At the end of March, the couple is in Paris, where it finds Najib Razak. A photo catch at the end of March 2005 shows the trio in a Parisian private club. According to a private detective who inquired into this business, beautiful Tuya was also the occasional mistress of the Deputy Prime Minister, who had been introduced to him by Baginda at the end of 2004.

Scenes of harassing

This history turns to the drama, when, in October 2006, Altantuya learns that the commission poured by the Franco-Spanish company Armaris arrived on an account at Kuala Lumpur. It was boxed by Perimekar, a company which Baginda directs. Altantuya slips by then from Ulan-Bator in Kuala Lumpur, to claim its share with Baginda, from which it separated meanwhile: 500.000 dollars would have been promised to him! By jealousy, the wife of Najib Razak, the frightening businesswoman Rosmah Mansor, would have opposed so that the Mongolian young person touches money. Altantuya then arrives to Malaysia with two other Mongolian, with including one chamane charged to throw a fate on Baginda if it does not give him the money. During several days, it badgers her ex-lover. On October 18, Baginda does not support any more the scenes of Altantuya in front of its residence. He contacts the director of the special Branch of the Malaysian police force, Musa Safrie, which is also the aide-de-camp of the Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak.

On October 19 at the beginning of evening, two police officers of the special Branch, Azilah Hadridan and Sirul Omar, are sent in front of the residence of Baginda where Altantuya trépigne and howls. They have order “to neutralize the Chinese one”: they kidnap it, lead it to ten kilometers of the residence of Baginda and kill it by balls. Then they destroy its body using C-4 explosives, which can be obtained only with the agreement of the ministry for Defense. Its entry on the Malaysian territory is unobtrusive registers of the Malaysian police force of immigration. Altantuya thus never came to Malaysia in October 2006 - there is no more no trace of it.

But there is no perfect murder. The taxi driver that Altantuya had engaged for the day did not see of an good eye his customer removed under his nose without the race being paid. Warned, it raises the number of the number plate of the car of the kidnappers and carries felt sorry for to the police station nearest. In a few days, the police force identifies the car and realizes that it is about an official vehicle. It is the gears, from which even the Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak cannot escape any more. It tries to choke the business. A few hours before the arrest of Baginda, Najib sends a texto to him: “I see the general inspector of the police force at 11 a.m.… The problem will be solved. Cool remainder.” Mow, Baginda is stopped soon as well as the two police officers of the special Branch, Azilah and Sirul.

At the end of a lawsuit considered to be doubtful by many observers, Baginda, shown to have ordered the murder, is discharged in November 2008. Shown to have carried out the dirty job, Azilah and Sirul appeared last month before the court. They are liable to the capital punishment and the verdict must be returned on April 9.

The Altantuya business became an central element of the Malaysian political game between Najib Razak - which is likely all to reach the head of the government - and the chief of the opposition Anwar Ibrahim. Razak has for the moment successful to avoid the pitfalls, but the murder of the young woman remains a sword of Damocles above his head.

To thousands of kilometers from there, in the Mongolian capital Ulan-Bator, Shaaribuu Setev, the father of Altantuya, his anger ruminates. Fixed in a sofa of the lobby of a hotel where the icy wind is engulfed by gusts of wind, his/her father, a professor of psychology of one sixty of years, carries himself: “My daughter was killed on the Malaysian ground by the Malaysian ones. And they did not even have a word of excuse! The Malaysian government does not even reply to the letters of the Mongolian ministry of the Foreign affairs. ” The payment of Baginda appeared an obvious injustice to him. When the father of Altantuya came to the Malaysian Parliament to meet Najib Razak, this one eclipsed by an hidden door to avoid an embarrassing interview.

Schengen aimed

Altantuya leaves behind it two orphans: Mungunshagai, his/her oldest son, 12 years old, is traumatisé by the disappearance of his/her mother. Altanshagai, 5 years, which suffers from a mental handicap, did not understand yet that it will never re-examine his mother. “There claims Altantuya without stop and remains prostrate on a chair. Every evening, I bring candies to him and I say to him that it is his/her mother who gave them”, entrusts her grandfather to us.

One of the obscure points of the business relates to the game played by the Armaris firm. In October 2007, the vice-minister of Defense, Zainal Abdidin Zin, recognized before the Parliament that Armaris had poured well a commission of 114 million euros in Perimekar. However, it ensured, it did not act of a bribe, but of a payment for “services of support and coordination”.

There did it have corruption, as in the business of the frigates of Taiwan in which the DCNS was also implied? The DCNS, privately held company with public capital, did not wish to answer us. “Nobody can comment on this business”, sobrement rétorqué us the person in charge of the relations with the press in Paris. A document establishing a bond between Altantuya and the French firm could be a letter of guarantee written in 2005 by Abdul Razak Baginda so that its mistress obtains a visa allowing him to enter European space Schengen. The embassy of France could not refuse this favour with a man decorated with the Legion of honor. The role of Altantuya in the negotiations for the purchase of the submarines is not clear, either. Its profile does not fail to intrigue the mediums of the information and the Russian FSB (the ex-KGB) would be interested of close with the business. On its side, Baginda settled in Great Britain with its family. Never it had a word of regret on the disastrous fate of that which shared its life during two years.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha nama PM dan SUAMI sudah naik!! ini sudah bagus. Malaisie boleh!! hahaha.. harum semerbak seantero dunia.


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