Thursday, July 26, 2012

Citer Sedap Aghi Ni Dari Pak Bakaq....

Ini sms dari seorang kawan yg minta saya cari kesahihan:
Salam, you may like to check: (1) in a couple of high level meetings (Biro Politik, MT etc) PM + DPM engaged in verbal spar, banging table etc. (2) DPM is pushing PM to be more aggressive in dealing with opposition & Bersih. (3) DPM wants PM to act more decisively as decision on poll date/MAS/SBPA make the cabinet looks like a lame duck & confused cabinet. (4) On 1 of the meeting, PM said, "I am the PM, I am the President of the party. I decide!" This was said when DPM insinuate that 'the old man' say this and that... (5) DPM was very upset when in one of the meeting (which was held in Sri Perdana) Kak Ros walks in & gives her piece of mind.. (6) A growing numbers of senior Umno leaders (especially DPM) asked for the removal of Hishammuddin from the present portfolio, but PM refuses to entertain. Wallahua'lam. Tq.
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Cakaplah apa saja yang benar asalkan tidak menghina sesiapa