Friday, February 8, 2013

KD Tunku Abdul Rahman (Scorpene ) Lancarkan SM 39 Exocet

While we armchair generals debating wether our very own submarines could dive or not... or some idiot claiming its missile expired .. or forumners discussing its massive cost.... Malaysia’s first submarine, the KD Tunku Abdul Rahman slipped quietly through the screen frigates and corvette tasked solely to hunt him, ...... its aim and purpose are simple.. to conducted a devastating simulated missile attack on a 40-metre long surface target located 22 nautical miles (40km) away.

The submarine was never detected, and as if that was not enough... a splash occurred on the surface of the sea... a torpedo shape object break the surface and a missile appeared, bright light and smokes from the booster rocker clearly seen by the spectators from the deck of the frigate.
The missile fired from a depth of 55 metres, a range that was difficult for anti-submarine ships to adopt counter measures against submarines curve gracefully downwards skimming 3 meters above the water line... everyone gasp with awe, watching how quickly the missile disappear as fast as its appear behind a line of smoke trail.

The submarine launches the attacks and manages to sneak away, silently and disappear as if it was never there. 


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