Friday, May 10, 2013

Kit Siang Membazirkan Suara Dan Mengeringkan Air Liur!

Manusia angkuh mana boleh minta maaf!
Kata-kata mereka itu pun sememangnya menggambarkan keangkuhan
Tidak pernah menyelami ke dalam diri
Yang pasti mereka tidak akan mengaku dan tidak akan minta maaf
Baru-baru ni dia minta maaf sebab akan menghadapi Pilihan Raya, sekarang mereka dah menang......apa nak peduli?

Harga barangan pengguna pun dah mula naik termasuk minyak dan letrik
Yang marahnya hanyalah aku dan seangkatan sahaja
Yang jenis bangsat macam aku ni semuanya nak murah
Minyak nak murah, kereta nak murah, Tol tanak bayar, Saman AES tanak kena, Letrik dan gas nak murah, PTPTN anak tanak bayar - memang jenis bangsat yang berduti

Lainlah orang-orang UMNO dan Penyokong mereka
Semua orang ini kaya belaka
Kalau semua barang naik lagi tinggi, lagi baik
Sebab mereka boleh membangsatkan lagi orang-orang yang memang dah pun bangsat!

Orang UMNO@BN yang undi mereka, mereka akan suka dan ketawa riang sebab mereka dah dapat hadiah dari usaha mereka
Jap lagi AES pula akan dikuatkuasakan dan Tol juga tentunya akan naik!
Kan best tu?

‘Najib, Muhyiddin and Mahathir must apologise’
Alyaa Azhar May 9, 2013
DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang says they have indulged in irresponsible race-baiting and inflammatory incitements.

KUALA LUMPUR: DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang today called for Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad to apologise over their “irresponsible and unMalaysian” remarks.
“They must each apologise as their remarks have been completely at variance with the policies of 1Malaysia, if there is going to be national reconciliation.
“They have indulged in irresponsible race-baiting and inflammatory incitements, totally careless and reckless about the harm they are doing to race relations in the country,” said Lim at a press conference held at the DAP headquarters today.
Lim referred to Najib who, after the election results were made known, had mentioned about a “Chinese tsunami” and had his statement supported by Muhyiddin who said it was “unhealthy in a multi-racial society like Malaysia to allow one community supporting one side and another race supporting another as it would lead to tension in inter-racial relations and political instability.”
Lim however argued that the statements made were based on total fallacies, as the general election was not a battle between the Chinese versus the Malays, but one multi-racial coalition against another.
“Yes, the Barisan Nasional (BN) has lost significant Chinese voter support, but the Pakatan Rakyat is representative of all Malaysians,” he said.
Mahathir’s utter garbage
Lim added that Mahathir’s allegation that the Chinese have rejected the hand of friendship offered by the Malays is “utter garbage”.
“The Chinese, as well as other Malaysians have rejected the hand of friendship offered by Mahathir, Najib and Muhyiddin because they represent politics of the past, such as politics of race, corruption and cronyism.
“The Chinese and other Malaysians accepted the hand of friendship of Anwar Ibrahim and Abdul Hadi Awang because they represent the politics of the future,of integrity, justice and freedom,” said Lim.
He however praised former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi who demanded a stop to all attempts at racialising the recently concluded election by blaming a particular community for BN’s poor showing.
“The most sensible, level-headed and statesmanlike statement, completely in conformity with the policies of 1Malaysia came from Tun Abdullah who said that blaming the Chinese is unfair and unhelpful,” Lim said.
Lim also said that former Johor Menteri Besar Abdul Ghani Othman, who was also his opponent for the Gelang Patah parliamentary seat, should be given a government post.
“Ghani was fielded in Gelang Patah by people in Umno who wanted to see the end of him.
“He has contributed to both Johor and Malaysia in terms of development and it is a shame that those who had him fielded in Gelang Patah had their way,” he said.
Lim maintained that :”It is only just and fair that Ghani should be appointed to an important post in the new government.
“I hope that the Prime Minister will ensure that this appointment will be made to Ghani as he will be able to contribute to the nation in the immediate future,” said Lim


  1. dap memang tak guna

  2. apasal kau nak tapis... kata pembangkang bagi kebebasan bersuara... dap racist

  3. bodoh punya profile..sokong lim kit siang...

  4. kalau tak mau kena tapis buat blog sendirila ramai nak baca komen anda nanti bila siap tolong bagi tau kita semua ok tentu komen anda begitu logik kut mesti kena ikut

  5. orang-orang yang memperdebatkan ayat-ayat Allah tanpa alasan yang sampai kepada mereka . Amat besar kemurkaan di sisi Allah dan di sisi orang-orang yang beriman. Demikianlah Allah mengunci mati hati orang yang sombong dan sewenang-wenang.40-35

    ada sikit kuasa Allah bagi kat dunia ini pun nak tunjuk sombong ruginya sikap manusia ini

  6. Anon 10:25 AM

    Bila pulak timbul pasal tapis menais ni?

    Kalau tak mencarut tak ada masalah!


Cakaplah apa saja yang benar asalkan tidak menghina sesiapa