Sunday, May 26, 2013

Zahid Hilang Fokus?

Pada saya Zahid tidak hilang fokus
Tetapi itu adalah 'His true colors'
Home Minister loses his focus
May 26, 2013
From Marion Tharsis, via e-mail

The newly appointed Home Minister, gives an impression of a person who is arrogant, boastful, authoritative and lacks a comprehensive understanding of the principles of democracy which entitles and gives the legitimate right of every eligible citizen to vote for whoever he or she favours. A number of people who felt this country is not performing to their expectations, have left. Consequently, no one need to be told to stay or leave as they are capable of deciding for themselves.
Safeguarding the interests and well being of the country and its people is an unalienable task of the holder of this position. However, it does not give him free access to say and do whatever he so wishes. He is bound by the constitutional provisions of good and fair governance and abuses and irresponsible leadership do come under its purview.
Today, the country has an influx of foreigners who have very boldly and blatantly setup their own communities and retail outlets within our neighbourhoods and even have audacity to challenge us to what is rightfully our areas of abode It is by leaps and bounds, increasing and there may a time when we become ‘aliens’ in our own land.
I believe it is the duty of this ministry to investigate the legitimacy and legality of these establishments instead of harrassing and intimidating our own people.
The stark reality is, a number of these foreigners are seen to be just loitering and wasting their time here rather than being gainfully employed and devoting their time in the colleges. Is there a yardstick to check on who is genuine and and who is not?
Drug addiction and drug movement is very rampant in this country and see to be a good transit point for the carriers. Is there a serious effort to clamp down on these destructive activities?
All Malaysians I am sure do not intend to do harm for their own beloved country but are deeply concerned over certain alleged irregularities and misconducts carried out those who are supposed to be the protector of the law. One such alleged incident was the seemingly dubious votes employing foreigners that surfaced to ensure victory for certain constituencies in the recent general election. The truth is not expected to be known but if such an occurrence was true then who have committed treason against the king and country?
Our young people today want answers not suppression or detention. Authoritative rule by fear which worked so well before, is no longer applicable. If the government cannot see the reality of today then it is still living the past and dreaming for a miracle. On the subject of leadership, Mahatma Gandhi had once said: I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with the people.

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