Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Di Englang, Orang Gila Pun Jadi Councillor

Labour politician admits an affair... with an ALIEN! Father-of-three talks of his belief in extra-terrestial life and claims he fathered a love child with one
Whitby councillor Simon Parkes says the child is called Zarka
53-year-old said he has sex with an alien about four times a year


Politicians often make claims that seem out-of-this-world.

But now a councillor in Whitby, North Yorkshire, has made one that really is - Labour's Simon Parkes says he fathered a child with an alien.

The married father-of-three, who represents Stakesby, said his wife had rowed with him after revealing he had a child called Zarka with an alien he refers to as the Cat Queen.

The 53-year-old driving instructor said he has sexual relations with the alien about four times a year.

'What will happen is that we will hold hands and I will say "I'm ready" and then the technology I don't understand will take us up to a craft orbiting the earth,' he explained.

'My wife found out about it and was very unhappy, clearly. That caused a few problems, but it is not on a human level, so I don't see it as wrong.'

Cllr Parkes, who also claims his 'real mother' is a 9ft green alien with eight fingers, said people only claim he is mad because they have not shared his experiences and that the encounters don't affect his work on behalf of Whitby residents.

'I can understand how you would say that because you have not seen anything yourself and that's your immediate fall-back position, but you come and spend some time with me and follow me around for a day and you will actually walk away shaking your head because you will think actually he's not mad.

'There are plenty of people in my position who don't chose to come out and say it because they are terrified it will destroy their careers.'

He told Channel 4 documentary Confessions Of An Alien Abductee his first recollection is of being lifted out of his cot by an alien.
Married Labour councillor Simon Parkes, 53, who represents Stakesby on Whitby Town Council, 
has defended his beliefs in extra terrestrial life, after he made outlandish claims
 on national television that he has fathered a child with an alien

Councillor Parkes, who spends hours drawing his extra-terrestrial experiences as it helps him to comes to terms with them, said: 'The only thing I can remember after that is it saying to me you will never be hurt, your will never be harmed.

'I think I am fairly clear in my head that I am being monitored [by aliens] very closely and if there is anything that's seriously about to happen or does happen then I am fairly confident in my own mind that they will intervene, they have in the past.'

He said he is also often followed by the security services and that he and a female passenger in his car were recently abducted by aliens in Cloughton, near Scarborough, before being returned to the vehicle as it moved.'

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