Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Kalau Tidak Benar, Tuduhan Ini Melampau!

Benarkah di masa mudanya Taib adalah Kristian Catholic?
Benarkah Taib mengamalkan cara hidup pagan dengan dikelilingi Bomoh?
Yang membuatkan saya keliru ialah Taib Mahmud ni adalah anak saudara kepada Tun Patinggi Abdurahman Yaacob yang memang berasal dari keluarga Muslim dan bersekolah pula di sekolah arab - baca di sini
Ada juga cerita yang Tuan Wan Ya'kub bin Wan Yusuf (ayah Tun Abdurrahman) berasal dari Kampong Laut, Kelantan - wallahu aklam

10 reasons why Taib should not be Governor
February 11, 2014
Here are 10 reasons why Abdul Taib Mahmud should NOT be appointed Governor of Sarawak.
When you apply for a job, what does your employer look for in you?
1 Suitability for the job
2 Qualifications
3 Person of good character
4 Not corrupted
5 Person of good health
6 Age
7 Track record
8 Mission statement
9 No pending court case
10 Illegal and unlawful appointment
Taib is the most unsuitable person to be appointed as the Governor because his aim is to avoid being hauled to court for all his wrongdoings over the last 33 years.
But we all know that even a Governor can be prosecuted in the court. He never had the vision to serve the people of Sarawak, except himself and his own family.
Taib was trained as a lawyer but not in economics. He fancied himself to be the greatest economist Sarawak ever produced and started SCORE, to score for himself and his families.
Sarawak will soon be doomed as the worst polluted place on earth, when all the dirty industries start to operate.
Taib is allegedly and possibly linked to at least two unnatural deaths – that of Bruno Manser and Taib’s own aide Ross Boyert. Boyert had reportedly fallen out with the Taib family and had sued them in a San Franscisco court to claim compensation from Taib in early 2007.
In autumn 2010, Boyert was found dead in a Los Angeles hotel in a rare case of suspected suicide, with a plastic bag tied around his head. Who would commit suicide when he is about to win a court case for compensation?
Taib is the most corrupted politician Sarawak and Malaysia ever had. He is corrupted in money as well as in power.
How did he accrue assets worth nine zeros (i.e billions) when his salary as a Chief Minister has only three zeros (i.e. thousand). How did he amass properties across the globe, in London, Australia, Canada, Dubai, US?
Anwar had been sentenced to prison for corruption of power. If Taib is not charged for corruption of money, he will be guilty of corruption of power, like Anwar.
MACC is now investigating these cases.
Taib is a dying man. He suffers from heart ailment and is at an advanced stage of cancer.
His marriage to a young energetic and beautiful wife is just a political wayang kulit. It does not prove that he is young and strong. In fact, he may be here today and gone tomorrow.
Taib is 78. While the civil servants in Sarawak have to retire at 60, why is it that Taib can continue to work after 77?
One law for the civil servants and another for him? You surely do not want a 77-year-old ailing man to work in your company.
So, why should he become the Head of State?
Taib’s reason for wanting to become the Head of State is to first protect his ill-gotten and stolen wealth. Two, to plunder some more.
Taib’s track record for Sarawak is appalling. None of his pet projects have been successful in Sarawak. They all wasted billions of Sarawakians’ money.
All are white-elephant projects namely First Silicone, Bintulu Aluminium project, and Bakun Hydro Dam, operating at half the capacity.
But his track record for himself and his family is wonderful.
His late wife Laila, died the richest unemployed housewife in the world, worth billions. His eldest son, Abu Bekir, is worth at least RM1.3 billion.
Taib is liable to be hauled to court as he under investigation by MACC and various other organisations in the world, including those in Switzerland where he keeps some of his stolen loot.
He will bring disrepute to Sarawak and Malaysia if he is to be charged in court. Do Sarawakians want our TYT or our Governor, or Head of State to be charged in court for stealing or corruption?
The most important thing against Taib to be appointed as the TYT or Governor or Head of State of Sarawak is that he is not a true Muslim.
His appointment as TYT, if it happens will be illegal and unlawful because it contravenes the Constitution of Sarawak.
The Constitution of Sarawak states that the TYT or Governor or the Head of State is the Head of Islam and Muslims in Sarawak.
Taib is not a true Muslim. Taib is not a genuine Muslim.
He was a Catholic when he was young. Now, he is in fact a well-known hardened pagan who likes to keep company with bomohs from Indonesia, Thailand, Pakistan, Australia.
Every morning he will worship all those ghosts and spirits before he will have his breakfast and go to his office.
Everyone in Sarawak knows that he will consult bomohs for his every move. He has also richly rewarded his bomohs, so much so that all his bomohs are multi-millionaires, just look at bomoh Ahmad Suut.
Taib is not an Allah-fearing person. In fact it is a myth that Taib fears Allah.
As the Agong is the Head of Islam in Malaysia, he should not appoint a non-Muslim to be the Head of Islam in Sarawak. It will be terribly wrong and against Islam.
We, Muslims in Sarawak will cry!
This article is a repost from Hornbillunleashed


  1. Idris jala pun kristian, nama mcm melayu islam :)

  2. Bila masuk bab aqidah berat weyyy.jgn semudah tu jer diperkatakan...tang bomoh neh memang dah jd rahsia umum ahli2 politik negara kita.setengah tuh sgt ketara.paling ketara bila libat yg tertinggi.means istana.he he..btol mcm tuan blog kata kalu betol.cuma bg kita jgn semudah tu nak putuskan seseorg tuh bkn islam.perlu kpd bukti yg sgt jelas.kalo tak dpn allah benda tu berbalik pd diri sendiri...nak mcm tu ker kat akhirat nanti.

  3. It will be very important if the writer can provide an undeniable evidence of his claim about Taib not being a muslim, like an official record, a photo or video. To accuse a person as an apostate is very serious and an heinous crime; even though you hated him enormousely.


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