Tuesday, March 25, 2014

MH370: Adakah Spekulasi Juga Yang Najib Percaya?

Semuanya adalah spekulasi hingga serpihan MH370 ditemui kata Menteri Pertahanan Australia..
Tak tahulah pulak aku kepada siapa Menteri Pertahanan Australia, David Johnston tujukan kenyataannya mengenai MH370 ini..

Katanya kepada pemberita "Until debris is recovered and positively identified as being from Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, any information about the search for the missing plane is speculation.

Boleh jadi dia tujukan kenyataannya itu kepada Najib kot... sebab semalam Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Najib Tun Razak telah mengumumkan penerbangan MH370 telah berakhir di selatan Lautan Hindi.

Tanpa mendedahkan sebarang bukti fizikal yang kukuh untuk dikaitkan dengan pesawat tersebut Najib hanya mengumumkan ianya adalah berdasarkan analisa pakar analisis data satelit Inmarsat.

Perkara tersebut telah dimaklumkan perkara ini oleh wakil Cawangan Siasatan Nahas Udara (AAIB) dari Britain.

"Dengan penuh rasa sedih dan kesal, saya ingin memaklumkan kepada anda, bahawa berdasarkan data baru ini, penerbangan MH370 telah berakhir di selatan Lautan Hindi," kata Najib.. sepenuhnya di SINI

Dan apa yang dinyatakan oleh Najib itu juga bukanlah satu bukti yang kukuh untuk membuat kesimpulan MH370 telah terhempas di Lautan Hindi..

Kerana dalam sidang media yang diadakan pagi tadi pihak MAS juga tidak menjadikan apa yang dinyatakan oleh Najib itu sebagai satu bukti kukuh.

Malaysia Airlines (MAS) hari ini memberitahu akan menerbangkan keluarga penumpang pesawat MH370 ke Australia jika terdapat bukti kukuh daripada pihak berkuasa.

Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif MAS, Ahmad Jauhari Yahaya, berkata kerajaan Australia hanya akan mengeluarkan visa sekiranya terdapat bukti seperti serpihan pesawat ditemui...

All 'speculation' until MH370 debris found 
Defence Minister David Johnston says until debris is recovered and positively identified as being from Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, any information about the search for the missing plane is speculation. 
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak told a press conference in Kuala Lumpur late on Monday that based on new analysis by the UK Air Accidents Investigation Branch and tracking firm Inmarsat, the plane flew along the southern corridor and crashed into the ocean west of Western Australia. 
But Senator Johnston said while the British data is all the authorities have to go on, he stressed no debris had yet been recovered from the massive search area in the Indian Ocean. 
"The turning point for us, I think, will be when we pull some piece of debris from the surface of the ocean and positively identify it as being part of the aircraft," he told reporters at the RAAF Pearce air base north of Perth on Tuesday. 
"This is a mystery and until we recover and positively identify a piece of debris, everything is virtually speculation." 
He said the search continued to be "fairly urgent" given there's only some 13 days of life left on the beacon battery that would pinpoint the location of the black box. 
Poor weather caused the international effort to be suspended on Tuesday, but searchers could not be put at risk, Senator Johnston said. 
"It is a very difficult task. We just have to deal with this location as best we can." 
Air Marshal Mark Binskin said the British data "seems to indicate more surety that it went down in the southern Indian Ocean". 
Air Marshal Binskin said the search wasn't just like looking for a needle in a haystack. 
"We're still trying to define where the haystack is - that's just to put it in context," he said. 
He said HMAS Success had been moved south as a safety precaution while the weather was poor. 
Please continue yours reading HERE

Errr... Menteri Pertahanan Australia ni kata Najib sebar spekulasi ke?..

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