Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Gaza: Israel Ngaku Dah 27 Orang Tenteranya Kojol!

Two soldiers killed in Gaza; military death toll reaches 27

Sgt. First Class Oded Ben-Sira, 22, killed by sniper fire; name of second soldier not initially released; Israeli man shot in West Bank in suspected terror attack; Kerry, Ban head to Israel after Obama urges ceasefire on 2012 terms
 July 22, 2014, 12:19 am Updated: July 22, 2014, 5:47 am

Two Israeli soldiers were killed on Monday afternoon, the 14th day of Operation Protective Edge, in battles with Hamas in Gaza, the IDF said overnight. One of the soldiers was named as Oded Ben-Sira, 22, from the northern community of Nir Etzion. The name of the second soldier has yet to be released. US Secretary of State John Kerry is in the region, amid talk of a ceasefire, but IDF-Hamas fighting in Gaza remains intensive, Hamas is still trying to carry out attacks in Israel through tunnels, and rockets are still being fired. The Times of Israel is liveblogging events as they unfold. (Monday’s liveblog is here.)


  1. Jangan percaya pada pembohongan Yahudi laknatullah. Mengikut pejuang2 Al_Qassim, setakat ini lebih dari 40 orang tentera yahudi mampos.Sekiranya kerajaan haram Yahudi menghebahkan bilangan sebenar tenteranya yang terbunuh, rakyat Israel akan memberontak.

    1. Aku ucapkan tahniah kpd mak bapak tentera israel yg mampos tu. Padan muka kau dan anak kau. Tahniah skali lagi atas kemamposan anak kau. Mmg kena pd tempat nye


    Biar si lahanat Yahudi KOJOL !!!!

    Palestine mati pertahan tanah air , si lahanat mati KOJOL pertahan si bahalol Netanyahu Hantu....


  3. alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah moga lebih banyak maut macam mautnya rakyat gaza ! Allahu Akbar !


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