Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Dasar Pengikut Dajjal......Dah Hancur Baru Nak Bersuara?

OIC calls on member states to reconsider relations with Israel
MEMO - Monday, 04 August 2014 11:53
The Israeli war machine is no longer satisfied with the slaughter of civilians, the demolition of homes, the burning of farms and the destruction of infrastructure; worse, it has unleashed its barbarism onto houses of worship with shameless indifference to all moral codes and utter disregard to the laws of war,'
Secretary General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, Iyad Amin Madani, called upon all member states to reconsider their relations with Israel in light of its continued mass killing of Palestinians in Gaza, Anadolu news agency reported.
The OIC, an association of 57 Muslim-majority countries, issued a statement on Sunday in which Madani urged all member states to re-examine their relations with "a government that is bound by no laws or ethics or even basic humanity".
He also condemned Israel's attacks on mosques and houses of worship. "The Israeli war machine is no longer satisfied with the slaughter of civilians, the demolition of homes, the burning of farms and the destruction of infrastructure; worse, it has unleashed its barbarism onto houses of worship with shameless indifference to all moral codes and utter disregard to the laws of war," the statement read.
Madani particularly addressed those countries that "give political cover, dubious moral justification and endless supply of lethal weapons to Israel", urging them to "realise the untold war crimes in which they will be implicated".
The Israeli army claims that Gaza's mosques contain stores of weapons and ammunition, an allegation denied by the Palestinian ministry of religious endowments.


  1. Piiraaahhhh OIC...buang masa la lu!!, patut dibubarkan OIC...!! ,

  2. Sial punya Arab....banyak sangat dah makan babi hati pun dah hitam pekat macam hati babi takde hati perut membiarkan Yahudi laknatullah menyembelih bangsa seagama sendiri..,sialan neraka jahanam tempat kamu pembesar2 OIC...

  3. Kebanyakan pemimpin2 Arab ni tertama Saudi, UAE, Mesir adalah pengkhianat Islam dan bangsa Arab sendiri.Mereka adalah hamba sahaya Amerika dan penyapu tahi yahudi. Itu sebab rakyat dikebanyakan negara2 Arab bangun memberontak menggulingkan pemimpin2 sial ini. OIC pula pula adalah pertubuhan negara2 Islam yang dayus Dan bacul, pemimpin2 nya terdiri daripada individu2 pengecut, pelaku maksiat dan munafik. Hanya doa umat Islam seluruh dunia yang akan membantu Gaza.

  4. OIC wajib dibubarkan digantikan dengan United Muslim Country Organization. Sebabnya tak ada perubahan masalah Palestine .


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