Saturday, August 2, 2014

Malun Ni Bukanya Diculik Sebagaiman Israel Laporkan Tetapi Ditawan Dalam Pertempuran!

Briged Al-Qassam berjaya tawan seorang tentera Israel berpangkat Leftenan
Gambar leftenan Hadar Goldin yang diculi Hamas yang pasti menukar cara serangan ganas Israel ke atas bumi Gaza

Gaza: Hari ke 25 “Operation Protective Edge” yang dilancarkan oleh pihak Zionist telah menyaksikan angka kematian dipihak Gaza ialah 1458 manakala yang cedera akibat serangan yang tidak berperikemanusiaan oleh tentera Zionist lebih dari 8300 orang awam.
Dan sejak serangan darat digerakkan oleh Zionist menurut Brigade Al-Qassam mereka telah berjaya membunuh 131 tentera Zionist dalam pertempuran, angka tersebut menurut mereka tidak termasuk yang telah berjaya dibunuh melalui serangan mortar dan bom.
Hari ini pula sejurus sebelum gencatan senjata 72 jam yang dianjurkan oleh United Nation dan United States pejuang Brigade Al-Qassam telah berjaya membunuh dua lagi tentera Zionist dan menculik seorang pegawai berpangkat Leftenan.
Dalam serangan melalui terowong bawah tanah itu pejuang Brigade Al-Qassam telah bertempur selama 90 minit sebelum mereka berjaya menawan anggota Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) itu dan melarikannya melalui terowong.
Pihak Israeli Defence Forces telah menamakan pegawai mereka yang ditangkap oleh Pejuang Al-Qassam itu sebagai Leftenan Hadar Goldin, 23, dari Kfar Saba.
Manakala dua yang dibunuh oleh Pejuang Al-Qassam pula ialah Mejrr Benaya Sarel dan Liel Gidoni dari Brigade Givati.
Leftenan Hadar Goldin (Gambar atas) dikatakan mempunyai pertalian saudara dengan Menteri Pertahanan Israel.
Rentetan dari pertempuran itu pihak IDF telah mengistiharkan bahawa gencatan senjata telah tamat.. Dari Sungai Derhaka / Foto Telegraph UK
Berikut adalah laporan dari The Jewish Chronicle Online:
Israeli soldier abducted in Gaza Strip lived in Britain
An Israeli soldier abducted by Hamas fighters in Gaza lived in Britain, the JC can confirm.

Second Lieutenant Hadar Goldin, a 23-year-old from Kfar Saba, was taken by the Palestinian group following an ambush on Friday morning.

It is understood Lt Goldin may have British citizenship, and could be related to Israel’s Defence Minister Moshe Ya’alon.

Rabbi Reuven Leigh, based in Cambridge, tweeted that Lt Goldin and his family had spent time in the city.
“Shaken to hear of Hadar Goldin’s kidnapping, he spent a few years living in Cambridge with his family, please pray for his safe return,” wrote Rabbi Leigh.
A friend of the Goldin family, based in Britain, confirmed to the JC that Hadar, and his twin brother, had lived in Cambridge twice.
The friend, who did not want to be named, said the twins’ parents were both Israeli, and did not believe that Hadar had taken up British citizenship.
Their father, Dr Simha Goldin, is an academic specialising in Jewish studies, and had spent time on sabbatical at Cambridge University.
The family were active in Cambridge’s Jewish community, taking roles in synagogue services there.
Barry Landy, of the Cambridge Traditional Jewish Congregation, confirmed the family had lived in the city twice.
“Hadar was a nice boy. The first time they came he was 12, the second time he was 15; on the second occasion he did his barmitzvah here,”
Mr Landy said. “The news is terribly shocking.”
In a statement, the IDF said that the possible kidnap happened when Israeli soldiers seeking to decommission a tunnel in the Gaza Strip were attacked.
A spokesman said a suicide bomber was part of the group that launched the attack. Two Israeli soldiers died during the incident.
He said that the army had initiated intelligence operations and launched extensive searches in order to locate the missing soldier.
The British Foreign Office said it was urgently looking into the claims Lt Goldin had British citizenship. In a statement, the Board of Deputies and Jewish Leadership Council expressed “dismay and revulsion” over the kidnapping.
“The kidnapping took place as part of a violent ambush by Hamas, within hours of the UN, US and Egypt backed 72-hour ceasefire taking effect,” the statement said.
“We urge the government to show its support for the Goldin family and to speak out against this deplorable act by the terrorist group Hamas and do everything in its power to secure his release.”
Manakala berikut pula adalah laporan dari Channel4..
‘Kidnapped by the terrorists’
THE IDF spokesman said that around 9.30am Israeli soldiers came under fire in an area around the border of the southern Gaza Strip and “there’s a fear” that during the incident a soldier “has been kidnapped by the terrorists”.
The spokesman added that the family of the soldier had been informed.
The military said the situation is still evolving and that the IDF is making “big efforts, operational and intelligence, to locate the soldier”.
The 72-hour ceasefire had already broken down this morning but the reported kidnapping of the Israeli soldier will raise the stakes in the conflict to a completely different level.
Israelis were horrified when another soldier, Gilad Shalit, was previously kidnapped in the Gaza area and held by Hamas militants.
He was released in October 2011 after five years and four months – but only in exchange for 1,027 Palestinains prisoners, including many linked to Hamas.
The names of four of the five Israeli soldiers killed by Palestinian mortar fire near the Gaza Strip border earlier have been released by the IDF.
The number of Israeli military fatalities now stands at 61.

1 comment:

  1. jangan jangan si Lahanat Leftenan tu cuba chabut lari dari beperang sebab tentera Israel semua pengecut , tak nak mati katak....


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