Monday, January 4, 2016

Update dengan terjeman setelah diminta oleh pengunjung: Kisah Allahyarham Capt. Hasman Hussin dan empat lagi terbunuh.........

UPDATE: 5 international soldiers who drowned identified

The five international soldiers who drowned when the vehicle they were in crossed a flooded road in Pulaski County that got swept away have been identified.
By Staff Reports

Posted Dec. 30, 2015 at 2:18 PM
Updated Dec 30, 2015 at 9:23 PM 

Capt. Hasman Hussin, 33
The five international soldiers who drowned when the vehicle they were in crossed a flooded road in Pulaski County that got swept away have been identified.
Fort Leonard Wood Public Affair Office states that the victims are as follows:
• Maj. Mohammad Hassan Ibrahim, 32, Egypt;
• Maj. Akram Abu Al-rub, 38, Jordan;
• Capt. Ahmed Moussouni, 32, Algeria;
• Capt. Ahmed Abdelghani, 29, Egypt; and
• Capt. Hasman Hussin, 33, Malaysia.

The Missouri State Highway Patrol states that their next of kin have been notified. Their names were not previously released because the U.S. State Department had not notified their families yet.
Missouri State Highway Patrol berkata waris terdekat mangsa sudah dimaklumkan. Sebelum ini nama-nama mereka tidak didedahkan oleh jabatan negara kerana  kepada keluarga mangsa masih dimaklumkan 

According to the patrol incident report, the five men were in a 2007 Chevrolet Impala traveling eastbound on State Highway U, at Tavern Creek, about 3 miles west of Crocker and 15 miles northwest of Fort Leonard Wood. at about 8:26 p.m. Dec. 26.
Mengikut laporan peronda kejadian, kelima-lima mangsa berada di dalam Chevrolet Impala model 2005 menghala ke timur di Lebuhraya U, di Tavern Creek lebih kurang 3 batu dari Croker dan 15 batu barat-laut dari Fort Leonard Wood pada lebih kurang pukul 8:26 petang, Dec. 26

It is unknown which of the five soldiers was driving the vehicle. The patrol states that the Chevrolet was swept away during a flash flood. Four of the bodies were recovered Sunday. The fifth body was recovered Tuesday about 6 miles downstream from where the vehicle got swept off the highway.
Tidak dapat dipastikan siapa di antara lima tentera itu yang memandu. Peronda berkata kereta Chevrolet berkenaan dihanyutkan ketika banjir kilat melanda. Empat mangsa ditemui pada hari ahad. Mangsa ke lima telah ditemui pada hari selasa lebih kurang 6 batu di hilir sungai dari tempat di mana kenderaan itu dihanyutkan dari lebuhraya

"Some were recovered in the car and outside it," Pulaski County Sheriff Ron Long told The St. Louis Post-Dispatch. "The last one was way downstream.
'Setengahnya ditemui di dalam dan di luar kereta' " Beritahu Pulaski County Sheriff Ron Long kepada The St. Louis Post-Dispatch. ' Mangsa terakhir di hilir sungai.
The men were driving back to the fort after a shopping trip, he said.
Mereka dalam perjalanan pulang ke Fort Leonard Wood setelah berbelanja 

A witness reported seeing the car go off the road about 8:30 p.m. Saturday and quickly lost sight of the car floating away.
Seorang saksi dilaporkan telah melihat kereta berkenaan tergelincir dari jalan lebih kurang jam 8:30 petang, hari sabtu dan dihanyutkan, dihilang dari penglihatan dengan cepat

"It's just a very dark and rural highway, and I am sure they had no idea of what was ahead of them until they got into the water," Long said. "Most of the time, these roads are traveled by people who know what lies ahead. They don't venture off into the water."
"Keadaan begitu gelap dan lebuhraya yang terpencil, dan saya pasti mereka tidak tahu apakah bahaya  yang ada di hadapan mereka sehinggalah mereka berada di dalam air," Long berkata " Jalan ini selalunya digunakan oleh orang-orang yang tahu keadaan di hadapan mereka. Mereka tidak akan menempuh bahaya terbabas ke dalam air".
These five international soldiers were temporarily stationed at Fort Leonard Wood for training with the International Student Detachment.
Lima orang tentera antarabangsa ini ditempatkan sementara di Fort Leonard Wood untuk berlatih bersama International Student Detachment

All five soldiers were attending officer education at the Maneuver Support Center of Excellence, a program that brings troops from other countries to the installation to study engineering, military policing and chemical defense.
Kesemua lima pegawai ini mengikuti latihan pegawai di Maneuver Support Center of Excellence, satu program yang membawa pasukan dari negara-negara luar ke pusat berkenaan untuk belajar kejuruteraan., kepolisian tentera dan  pertahanan kimia.

The five soldiers, who were on holiday leave, were returning to post from Osage Beach. All five victims are being returned to their home country for burial and services.
Lima orang tentera ini di dalam cuti, dan dalam perjalanan pulang dari Osage Beach. Kesemua lima mangsa sedang dihantar pulang ke negara asal masing-masing untuk perkhidmatan dan di makamkan 
The Associated Press contributed to this report.


  1. Tkr bm la bro...setakat copy je sape pun bole buat...

  2. Tkr bm la bro...setakat copy je sape pun bole buat...

  3. Anon 1:16 AM

    Maaflah bro......ingatkan satu article pendek dan bahasa mudah macam ni, sesiapa pun boleh faham

  4. Orang suroh belajar Bahasa English ko asyik ponteng, main banyak.... Yang ko tau .bro jer, btotherlah tu. Haha

  5. Orang suroh belajar Bahasa English ko asyik ponteng, main banyak.... Yang ko tau .bro jer, btotherlah tu. Haha

  6. Atok aku ckap british barua...jgn jd barua...jgn bljr bahasa penjajah...huhu

  7. Kalau tak party party kat negara setan tu , ajal datang boleh lah senyum

  8. mana kau tahu dorang pergi party2 ??? menfitnah je ko tahu...ingat semua org akan menghadap Ilahi ..cuma xth bila dan bagaimana cara....Alhamdulillah lemas dikategorikan meninggal dlm husnul khotimah....ko dah pasti ke ajal ko nati ko senyum???taubatlah sebelum terlambat


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