Friday, February 26, 2016

Renungan Pagi........

● 20歲以後,『異鄉』與『家鄉』是一樣。 ( 去到哪,都能適應 )
● After 20 years old, "foreign country" and "hometown" is the same. (No matter where, also can adapt)

● 30歲以後,『晚上』與『白天』是一樣。 ( 幾天沒睡,無所謂 )
● After 30 years old, "night time" and "daytime" is the same. (A few days didn't sleep, doesn't matter)

● 40歲以後,『學歷高』與『學歷低』是一樣。 ( 學歷低的,反而賺多錢 )
● After 40 years old, "highly educated" and  "lowly educated" is the same. (Lowly educated persons, may even earn more money)

● 50歲以後,『美』與『醜』是一樣。 ( 再美的,此時皺紋、黑斑老態也出現了。)
● After 50 years old, "beauty" and "ugly" is the same. (No matter how pretty, at this age, wrinkles, dark spots, etc. are starting to appear.)

● 60歲以後,『官大』跟『官小』是一樣。 ( 退休了,階級都一樣 )
● After 60 years old, "high official" and "low official" is the same. (After retirement, their status are the same)

● 70歲以後,『房子大』跟『房子小』是一樣。( 關節退化走不動,所需空間一丁點。)
● After 70 years old, "big house" and "small house" is the same. (Joints degeneration,  cannot walk, only require a little space .)

● 80歲以後,『錢多』跟『錢少』是一樣。 ( 再花,也花不了多少錢 )
● After 80 years old, "have money" and "no money" is the same. (Even when spend money, also don't spend much)

● 90歲以後,『男人』跟『女人』是一樣。 ( 因為,沒人還能做那檔事 )
● After 90 years old, "man" and "woman" is the same. (Because, nobody can still do that sort of thing)

● 100歲以後,『躺著』跟『起來』是一樣。( 起來,也不知要做什麼?)
● After 100 years old, "Lying down " and "waking up" is the same. (After wake up also don't know what to do)

Your life and my life is like that, not much difference.
Take life easy, after all, having seen through life, that's life.
Cherish what you already have, find back what you have lost!

1 comment:

  1. baru2 ni aku tonton video 'Maidentrip'. kisah sorg budak perempuan belanda belayar mengelilingi dunia secara solo. dia mulai pd umur 14 thn dan berakhir dgn umur 16 thn.

    stlh menonton video tsb, barulah aku rasai kehilangan. hidup aku dr lahir hingga ke saat ini adalah rutin.

    knplah aku terjebak dgn cara hidup yg stereotaip? dah terlambat utk diubah. dunia ini luas. knp aku tetap disuatu tempat saja? knp tidak mengembara?

    lagi satu lagi kisah yg aku tonton ialah sebuah keluarga perancis yg mengelilingi dunia menggunakan bas. cuba lihat laman 'IRAN IS GREAT'.


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