Sunday, July 24, 2016

John Bertelson clarifies everything so well

John Malott 
July 23, 2016 at 4:50 am

As always, John Bertelson clarifies everything so well.

Some thoughts about what happens next, on the US side:

The US Government already has seized all of this property. So now Aziz and Jho Low cannot sell anything and try to get their money out of the US.

The next step, as John B points out, is for Aziz, Jho Low, and others to prove in a court of law that the property truly was purchased with their own money and was not the result of stealing money from 1MDB.

Of course, they cannot prove that. The FBI and DOJ filing is thorough and professional. The proof is all there. It even includes the transcripts of wiretapped phone calls of Jho Low talking to his bankers.

The US Government will hold all of that property — the real estate, the paintings, the rights to “Wolf of Wall Street,” etc. IN CUSTODY (or trust) on behalf of the people of Malaysia, from whom the money was stolen.

But — the assets will NOT belong to the US Government.

As the US Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the others pointed out, the money was stolen from the people of Malaysia. The assets belong to them. (How ironic that the US Attorney General seems to care more about this thievery than the Malaysian Attorney General does…..)

In the meantime the US Government will rent out Aziz’s condo in NYC and his Beverly Hills house. They will take over the management of the hotels in New York and Beverly Hills that were purchased with the stolen money. The US Government will collect the profits from all future sales of the DVDs and TV rights of “The Wolf of Wall Street.” The Monet and Van Gogh paintings will go on exhibition somewhere. And so on.

And all of that profit will be held by the US Government for the Malaysian people.

Young Aziz will be homeless.

In order to save itself and the films it has in production (including a new film about George Washington, starring Leonardo Dicaprio), Red Granite Pictures will get rid of him. So Aziz will be jobless, too.

When the US Government files criminal charges against Aziz (and I am sure they will), they will ask the court to seize his passport, so he cannot leave the US. The Malaysian Embassy in Washington will then try to defraud the US Government and issue a new passport to Aziz so he can leave the country — and we will see how efficient the US Government is at catching this.

If the Malaysian Government asks for the property to be transferred back to them, the US Government will do so.

But as Bertelson points out, will Najib do that? No. If Najib asks for the money back, it means that he is admitting that the money was stolen from the development fund that he headed, that the stolen money went to his stepson and his “advisor” Jho Low, and that he has been lying about this to the Malaysian people for years.

Of course he will never do that. Asking for the money back will have to wait for a request from a future Prime Minister.

And why would Najib want to ask “for the money back,” when he and his family and cronies already have it — or have spent it?

From an international viewpoint, this is the end of Najib. He is an international pariah. He is a crook. He is a fraud. The world will want nothing to do with him. He will not be welcome anywhere. People will be embarrassed to be seen with him, to shake his hand, to be photographed with him.

As for Rosmah, her credit at Hermes and Tiffany’s and elsewhere will be cut off. Now those luxury stores know that the money was not hers. It was stolen from the Malaysian people, and they do not want to be complicit. They have their own reputations to protect. 

That is how the world will react. But how will the Malaysian people react? Will Najib get away with this, back in Malaysia?

I fear that the answer is yes. If so, it means that Malaysia is now in Mugabe-Land.

The IGP says that the US Government never asked for cooperation from the Malaysian Government in their investigation. Yet both the MACC and the FBI have said that they cooperated with each other in the investigation. The IGP knows the truth -  Ronnie liu

Sebab rumit, sebab kena baca panjang, kena faham dan kena fikir.

Ini lah sebabnya cuma segelintir orang je (dari berjuta orang) rakyat Malaysia yang betul betul faham pasal masalah 1MDB.

Selebihnya, bandwagon. Bandwagon ni bukan semuanya tidak bagus, tak ada masalah pun nak jadi bandwagon. Cuma kumpulan bandwagon akan mudah distracted, mudah amuse dengan hal hal lain, mudah melupakan dan mudah merelakan.

Sebabnya, apabila kita tak berapa faham, tak berapa ambil tahu, kita tak akan ada pengetahuan mendalam, seterusnya emosi kita akan turun naik semata mata bergantung pada news headlines yang ditawarkan kepada kita pada satu satu masa.

Baru jumpa perkataan 'offshore accounts' kita dah lelah. Baru jumpa perkataan 'proxy' kita dah buka window lain. Baru tengok 'flow diagram' ke mana duit 1MDB berjalan kita dah garu kepala.

Kita geram marah ni, tapi tak nak teruskan geram marah tu dengan kefahaman yang tepat, tak nak letakkan geram marah kita tu pada selidikan maklumat dan ilmu yang sepatutnya. Geram dan marah kita ni cukup sampai news headlines, tu pun tak bertahan sangat sebab kita tak berapa faham.

Semua orang suka kan masalah mudah dan simple. Contohnya Selena Gomez nak datang Malaysia, atau Usher peluk Yuna, atau Dato Red nak kahwin Ruhainies. Benda benda macam ni mudah sebab tak perlu nak baca panjang sangat, tengok tajuk je dah boleh selesai untuk kita buat keputusan hentam sampai lumat.

Kita nak yang mudah mudah je. Bila sikap kita macam ni, duit negara hilang 2-3 billion pun kita tak boleh nak serius sangat, sebab kita mana pernah serius? Semua hal pun kita main main ambil mudah, datang 1MDB nak jadi serius? Tahanlah 3 minit.

Ada sebab kenapa aku cakap kita ni memang selektif dalam memberi perhatian pada masalah, kita cuma nak tahu dan faham hal yang simple, mudah dan cepat, dan kita tak serius.

Tak percaya?

Tengoklah berapa puluh juta duit orang kita lesap hasil kerja 5-6 orang 'Board of Directors' Highway Group?

Tengoklah berapa puluh juta lagi duit orang kita lesap hasil masuk Skim Emas Tok Blagak?

Tengok juga lah berapa belas juta duit orang kita lesap hasil kerja Alfafa Group?

Untuk hulur leher supaya kita ditipu, cukup dengan sorang dua datang cakap;

"Masuk lah invest 20 ribu, setiap bulan dapat balik 3 ribu sampai 20 tahun. Takkan kau tak nak untung macam tu?"

10 minit berborak setel untuk kita jadi haiwan ternakan dan serahkan duit simpanan Tabung Haji berpuluh ribu sebagai upah kena tipu.

Kau nampak tak sekarang?

Jadi sikap kita ni pun sikap yang mintak kena tipu, memang padan lah sampai ke peringkat antarabangsa 1MDB pun kita kena tipu. Dah la kena tipu seleweng, ada kumpulan yang pertahan kan pulak tu.

Bila DOJ bising pasal 1MDB, berapa ramai ilmuan yang ulas dan kupas? Tak ramai, boleh bilang dengan jari. Kalau ada ulasan panjang pun, komennya ada lah 18 orang. Like pulak 200 (not bad). Share dapat lah 6, itu pun kawan kawan dia.

Bayangkan kalau semua kita ni ambil tahu hal 1MDB macam kita ambil tahu Selena Gomez nak datang Malaysia so kita bersiap sedia berperang. Bayang kan kalau kita semua membaca dan faham hal 1MDB ni macam kita faham betapa perlunya kita hentam Yuna peluk Usher.  Kau bayangkan lah.

Tapi tu semua tak wujud sekarang. Maka dengan sebab itu isu 1MDB ni macam dimarah marah sayang, lepas tu lupa. Alahhh duit KBS lesap 100 juta, duit YaPEIM buat melancong dan buat simulator Golf pun kau dah lupa kan?

1MDB juga tak dikupas oleh sosok agamawan secara jelas tuntas. Pencetus Ummah, Imam Muda, para Habib, Mufti, dan Muhaddithien yang berbincang hal hadith Al Qomah samada sohih atau maudo' sampai 2-3 jam buat video rakaman pun tak ulas hal 1MDB, dan mereka tidak ambil pendirian.

Pemerhatian sebegini juga sedikit mengecewakan kerana dalam Islam, memerangi penipuan, rasuah, kezaliman, dan penindasan sentiasa mendapat tempat tertinggi dalam ilmu dan amalan sepatutnya.

Apabila tokoh tokoh turut tidak bersuara, apa lah nak diharap yang bawah bawah ni.

Aku sebenarnya tidak lah meletakkan tanggungjawab sepenuhnya kepada kumpulan berpengaruh seperti yang aku nyatakan tu untuk bising hal macam 1MDB.

Tapi kita semua faham, lead by example.

Masalah kita pula, bila orang yang kita tuding tu tak bercakap membela, kita pun marah marah. Lepas tu bila lapar kita makan nasi.

Cuba lepas marah tu kita pegi baca kaji faham sendiri dan kita pula sampaikan pada orang? Kan ada juga faedahnya.

Kalau pun kita tak ada kuasa sepenuhnya nak selesaikan masalah 1MDB, sekurang kurangnya kita dah tingkatkan kualiti diri kita dengan maklumat maklumat rasuah penipuan melalui pembacaan, dan sekurang kurangnya kita tak jadi bodoh senang kena tipu.

Ini tidak, marah 1MDB bukan main, tapi hujung hujung kau pergi report polis sebab dah kena tipu rm100,000 dengan Highway Group.


- Layar impian

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