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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Apa Pendapat Anda Terhadap Gesaan Ini?

SAUDI ARABIA. Mufti of Saudi Arabia urges Muslims not to pray for punishment of U.S.
Publication time: 1 November 2012, 18:16 

Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Abdulaziz al-Sheikh, urged Muslims not to pray for punishment of the United States and other infidel countries during natural disasters such as hurricane Sandy, reports ABC in an article prepared by the agency EFE.

Among those affected by the hurricane were also "a large Muslim community", the newspaper quoted the publication on the website of Saudi newspaper Al Hayat.

"Several prominent Saudi clerics supported the appeal, saying that we should not ask Allah to harm the infidels", the article says.

Commenting on the statement by the court royal Mufti, some Muslim bloggers indicate:

- Saudi muftis and the ruling regime of the country has long turned away from the Kaaba, and turned their face toward the Statue of Liberty of the US. It is highly questionable the sincerity of this amazing Mufti when he supposedly cares about the "Muslim American community".

There is quite a natural question arises: What prevents Saudi clergy show their compassion for the Muslims of Burma, whom, for example, Buddhists are right now massacring by thousands, or to the starving children in Africa?

Or at least once to ask his bosses in Washington to not kill Muslim children with their drones. Or, at least, to explain to his American masters, for whom this so to say, Muslim is so worried, that you can not pee on the corpses of dead people.

This Mufti had to be put in a car, somewhere in Waziristan and stroke with a drone missile. Then this court servant would be singing it differently ... But I doubt it. The servant is also the servant in Saudi Arabia...! " - sumber


  1. Kerajaan yang zalim akan dibinasakan oleh Allah.Apabila bala melanda orang Islam pun terkena sama.Di akhirat nanti akan diadili.So saranan Mufti tu tak berasas sama sekali.Ini mufti pak turut pemerintah.

  2. gesaan nampak macam buta sebelah

  3. Anon 6:48 AM dan 12:23 PM

    Nampaknya Ulama penjilat ni ada di mana-mana sahaja di negara Islam


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