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Friday, August 2, 2013

Sikapir Kata Gini Aku Tak Heran

Tapi yang aku pelik bila makhluk yang mengaku Islam perlekehkan Hukum

Hudud can’t solve rise in crime
Athi Shankar  | August 1, 2013
Current laws are sufficient to deal with the rising crime rate; Islamic laws are not necessary in combating crime.
GEORGE TOWN: Islamic laws as proposed by PAS Youth cannot suppress the rising crime in the country, stressed Kedah Gerakan Youth today.
The Kedah Gerakan Youth chief Tan Keng Liang dismissed the suggestion made by PAS Youth head, Nasrudin Hassan Tantawi to overhaul current laws; suggesting that it is nothing more than Nasrudin’s “personal obsession towards hudud laws.”
According to Nasrudin, Islamic laws should be given the chance to handle and curb the rising crime rate in view of the escalation in crimes involving firearms.
Tan questioned as to what difference Islamic laws will make since there is already death penalty for those using firearms in carrying out a crime.
“There is no necessity to replace current laws with hudud.
“What difference would it make even if we convert the entire criminal laws in our country to Islamic laws?
“Is there any higher punishment than death?” Tan asked in a statement here today.
Nasrudin has called for implementation of Islamic law to tackle crime if the existing criminal law system was inadequate.
Tan brushed aside Nasrudin suggestion, chiding the PAS Youth of being an opportunist.
“PAS Youth should not capitalize on the rising crime rate to replace existing criminal laws with hudud laws. This is not the time to be an opportunist for political mileage,” he said.
He said it was not sensible to change the whole system since rectifications, including increased punishments, can be implemented to correct flaws in law.
He advised PAS Youth to first convince Malaysians, including its Pakatan Rakyat partner the DAP, on the need to implement hudud laws.
On the other hand, he said the Kedah Gerakan Youth was ever ready to explain to PAS Youth on why the country’s criminal laws need not be replaced by hudud laws.
“That’s if PAS Youth was willing and able to listen,” said Tan


  1. Tan Keng Liang Kalau dah BODOH tolong duduk diam-diam, JAHIL dah PASTI, inilah penyakit jangkitan bila berkawan dengan umno.

    Pepatah arab bermaksud " .... jika berkawan dengan tukang besi pasti kena arang(abu), .... jika berkawan dengan pembuat minyak wangi pasti berbau harum..." Maka kamu gerakan berkawan dengan lalat tahi pasti dapat busuknya.

  2. Sikapir kata apa pun tak apa.... Hatta membunuh orang islam pun tak apa.... Itulah hakikat pegangan khawarij dan syiah, dgn kapir semua tak apa, lembut dgn kapir, tapi ganas, keras dan kejam dgn saudara seagama.... Anda masuk dlm golongan mana?

  3. Anon 12:40 AM

    Sayang anda komen tanpa memahami secara mendalam apa yang saya maksudkan di Intro N3 ini dan saya meragui sejauh mana pemahaman anda tentang Syiah hatta hukum sekali pun!

    Mana lebih jelik manusia yang menghina agamanya sendiri daripa sikapir yang tak faham mengkrtik?


Cakaplah apa saja yang benar asalkan tidak menghina sesiapa