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Sunday, November 2, 2014

Kah... kah... kah...!

Bintang Filem Lucah terjun dari Flat untuk larikan diri dari Perogol..
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Menarik ni.. tiga hari yang lalu Daily Mail UK telah melaporkan seorang bintang filem lucah dari Russia telah bertindak terjun dari bangunan 3 tingkat untuk melarikan diri dari perogolnya.

Menurut DailyMail pelakon filem lucah itu bertindak nekad untuk terjun dari bangunan tiga tingkat hingga menyebabkan kedua-dua kakinya patah untuk melarikan diri dari dua penjenayah itu.

Wanita berusia 22 tahun itu telah memasuki flat tersebut setelah diperdaya oleh dua lelaki kononnya untuk membincangkan tentang satu filem baru tetapi beliau telah diserang menyebabkannya bertindak nekad terjun melalui tingkap untuk menyelamatkan diri.

Wanita yang bernama Lola Taylor itu kemudiannya ditemui berlumuran darah dan pakaiannya koyak oleh seorang lelaki yang kebetulan membawa anjingnya bersiar-siar di Yasenovo, Moscow.

Ini laporannya...

A Russian porn star broke both her legs as she escaped two thugs who brutally raped and assaulted her after luring her to their flat with a business deal.

The 22-year-old adult actress had entered the flat after being invited by the two men to discuss a possible new production, but was attacked and jumped out of a window to get away.

The woman, who works under the stage name Lola Taylor, was found bleeding and with torn clothes by a man walking his dog in Yasenovo, Moscow.

'Lola Taylor' had agreed to meet the men for an interview to talk about the film, but after she arrived, the men set upon her and proceeded to rape her in an ordeal that lasted several hours.

She eventually managed to escape by jumping from the third floor balcony where she was found by stunned neighbour, Blasius Vinogradov, 54, walking his dog.

He told local TV: 'I was just minding my own business when this blonde girl with torn clothes and bleeding mouth hit the ground.

'She was unconscious and it was clear she had broken both her legs.

'I didn't know what was going on, but I knew it wasn't good and immediately phoned the police and an ambulance.'

The woman, who is a former librarian, was taken to the emergency room of a nearby hospital.

A police spokesman said: 'She was in a bad way and had been subjected to hours of rape and abuse prior to the fall.

'When we arrested the men they denied it until we found evidence of the crime across the apartment.

'They had tried clearing up the blood but had not yet disposed of her ripped clothing.'

The two men, Dmitry Kosenkov, 30 and Maksim Pilipenko, 33, have been arrested and face up to 30 years in jail.

The two men were ordered to be detained for three months before the trial ~ DailyMail

Moral of the story.. Walaupun kita tahu pelakon filem lucah dianggap sebagai tidak bermoral.. namun dia sanggup terjun dari tingkat tiga flat kerana tidak rela dirogol..

Tapi... di negara kita ini ada seorang mamat yang tidak sanggup melawan seorang lelaki tua yang kononnya telah meliwat dirinya..

Lebih menarik kononnya sesudah diliwat beliau makan karipap dan minum kopi pula serta tidak berak selama dua hari...

Kah... kah... kah...


  1. Kes anak muda BELIA yg diLIWAT krn 'paksa' ttpi siap READY dgn ky/jelly disbb kan sipeliwat yg sgt 'DOMINAN' lagi berkarisma tinggi!?

    anak muda BELIA agak sasa ini brugama Islam..bukti didahi ada 2 'spot' lebam itam krn kuat IMAN/semayang.. ttpi siap bawak 'jelly' utk diliwat-PAKSA & akur tak MELAWAN/ingkar w.pon diperbuat LIWAT oleh siTUA 66tahun yg sgt2 "MUNGKAR"!?

    BETINA porno kat atas tu..
    bukan Islam, takdak IMAN & tak prnah semayang pon,,"ON the SPOT" melompat krn dipaksa buat MUNGKAR/jahat!
    ...BETINA yg TAK akan berSUMPAH2 kat Mekah tu, sggup me"LAWAN" w.pon trhadap 2 lelaki muda 30an!!

    apa yg nak diHERAN kan..
    klu spender-XXXXL putih gambar warna ghoyat Gganu sgt2 CLEAR pon,,lebai2 wostad2 SOLEH fakeh trmasuk mursyid2 mossyidool pon kelu mmbisu!
    ...sebaliknya FITNAH FITNAH FITNAH mnjd kerja SUCI setan2 SARBAN yg sgt2 fakeh brsembunyi sesama sndiri!
    ...tuduhan2 pilkuda brokar & BARUA mnjd JIHAD suci mrk!!?

  2. cewek ini belum jumpa Sayfool punyea lah...

    kesian kan.


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