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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Celaka Dan Kejam - Gambar: Taliban Membunuh 141 Orang Kebanyakannya Murid Sekolah

Taliban slaughter at least 141, mostly children, in Pakistan school
By Sophia Saifi and Greg Botelho, CNN
December 16, 2014 -- Updated 1719 GMT (0119 HKT)

Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) -- "'God is great,'" the Taliban militants exclaimed, as they roared through the hallways of a Peshawar, Pakistan, school.

Then, 14-year-old student Ahmed Faraz recalled, one of them changed the narrative.

" 'A lot of the children are under the benches,' " a Pakistani Taliban member said, according to Ahmed. " 'Kill them.' "

By the time the hours-long siege at Army Public School and Degree College ended early Tuesday evening, at least 141 people -- 132 children plus nine staffers -- were dead, military spokesman Gen. Asim Bajwa said. More than 100 were injured, many suffering gunshot wounds, according to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province Information Minister Mushtaq Ghani.

The death toll does not include the attackers who Pakistani Taliban spokesman Mohammed Khurrassani said scaled the school's walls around 10 a.m. (midnight ET), intent on killing older students there.

These Taliban had "300 to 400 people ... under their custody" at one point, said Khurrassani, whose group is called Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan, or TTP.

They were eventually met by Pakistani troops who pushed through the complex building by building, room by room. By 4 p.m., they'd confined the attackers to four buildings. A few hours later, all the militants -- seven of them, according to Bajwa -- were dead.

Still, the ordeal isn't over.

Pakistani authorities spent Tuesday night inside the school in Peshawar, a city about 120 kilometers (75 miles) from the country's capital, Islamabad, looking for survivors, victims and improvised explosive devices planted to worsen the carnage.

The story continues on other fronts as well, such as the military's continued offensive against militants in northwest Pakistan and in Peshawar hospitals where many young people are fighting for their lives.

In a tweet, Bajwa called the attack a "ghastly act of cowardice in killing innocents" that, in his view, proves that the Taliban are "not only enemies of (Pakistan) but enemies of humanity."


  1. Bila taksub ulamak sampai gagal hidup di alam realiti , orang orang akan jadi miskin dan bahalol.

    Kemiskinan itu kekufuran.

    Orang orang malas saja rata rata miskin.

    Ini standard , di malaysia pun boleh jafi macam ini bila ramai nak jadi ulamak miskin.

  2. Ulama miskin harta tapi kaya ilmu dan tinggi budi pekerti serta jiwa redho.
    Nak ulama kaya boleh ikut ayah pin atau tuhan harun, siap ada free sex.
    Mereka yang miskin tak semesti malas cuma belumada kesempatan dan usaha belum berhasil.
    Kaya yang sombong serta ego boleh bawa ke syirik. Lebih kurang firaun atau yahudi lah.......

  3. betulkah taliban yg buat? perlu di ingatkan bahawa kita hidup dalam zaman fitnah dan masa ini islam sedang sedang teruk di fitnah olih puak yahudi laknatullah dan nasrani.bukan sy menafikan siapa yg buat, klaulah benar taliban yg buat kenapa baru ini baru mereka lakukan kenapa tidak 20-30thn dulu, jgn lupa siapa yg cipta taliban ini klau bukan amerika, nauzubillah jika benar sudah pasti mereka bukan mengikut ajaran islam kerana islam melarang umatnya membunuh selain daripada musuh.

  4. Srmoga allah tunjukan kbenaran


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